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Are you ready for Pregnancy? Did you have pre-pregnancy check up?


Before a woman embarks on a pregnancy, it is worthwhile consulting and obstetrician to ensure she is in optimal health and identify any health issues that need to be corrected, so that she has a smooth pregnancy and delivery.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) preconception care is the provision of biomedical, behavioral and social health interventions to women and couples before conception occurs. It aims at improving their health status and reducing behaviors and individual and environmental factors that contribute to poor material and child health outcomes. Its ultimate aim is to improve maternal and child health, in both the short and long term.

Why is preconception or pre pregnancy counselling important? It is during this visit, the doctor takes a detailed health history and identifies any medical condition that could affect a pregnancy. For example, a lady could be having medical conditions like Anemia, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, Asthma, Hypertension, and Diabetes etc. and could be on treatment for the same. A detailed Obstetric history is taken regarding number of pregnancies, delivery and miscarages. Any complications like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, underweight babies etc is enquired and noted. Any vaccination that might be needed is given. Patient is encouraged to discuss about her lifestyle and behavior, including smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, living in abusive environment or working or living around toxic substances or environmental contaminants.

Women are advised to take 400 microgram of folic acid every day for three months prior to conception

Being under or overweight might impair spontaneous fertility. Obese women have have high risk of miscarriage, congenital abnormality, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and complications of delivery and in the postnatal perioc. Hence, women are encouraged to maintain an ideal body weight, (BMI between 22-24)

Diet counselling regarding increased intake of fruits and vegetables in diet, avoid environmental pollutants and alcohol. Alcohol abuse can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome. Maternal stress in the preconception period due to nutritional, metabolic, immunological, infections, pharmacological or psychosocial disturbance have long term effects on the adult health of the body.

A Hypothesis proposed in 1990 by the British epidemiologist, David Barker that intrauterine growth retardation, low breath weight and premature birth have a causal relationship to the origins of hypertension, coronary heart disease and noninsulin dependent diabetes in middle age. An International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and disease, a non-profit organization proposed by David Barker, was setup in 2003 for research in this field.

Maintaining ideal body weight, eating the right kind of foods, vaccination, stopping smoking, optimal control of pre-existing medical conditions all go long way in achieving a healthy outcome.

